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TIEN means ‘fairy spirit’. Always gracious but fearless and fierce enough to protect the forrest; fairies are the soul and inspiration of our story. So respecting the nature and all our sources is a way of life for our brand...


• Respectful to the nature - Ecofriendly
• Innocent as nature - Chemical free
• Sustainable yet affordable luxury brand
Offers delicately hand-made unique pieces by;
• Hand- crafted fabrics
• Where natural colorings and miscellaneous techniques
• End up with miraculous patterns
In general, ecological clothing is matched with plain style, therefore elegance is still searched in a short-lived trend or in an egoistic fashion world based on high volume consumption. We are commited to prove that there is a way of luxury and elegance that is harmless to the environment.
We use natural colourings and we believe that we have to right to know the chemicals on our clothes.
Ecoprinting method is an artistic way of upcycling, where we are witnesses of the nature miracles. Every item is unique without a copy, healty and pure.
Hand loom Weaving is an old handcrafted way of manufacturing natural fibre fabrics where whole families from decades are doing the same business and need  to be integrated in global market. We support local artisans and small businesses based on handcrafts. We believe in equal opportunities and fair wages.
Both methods consume a pinch of electricity and avoid harmful waste to the environment.